Still thinking about Nemo. Thinking about him playing at the Rainbow Bridge. I received so many nice notes from people with their condolences. Thank you friends!
I interviewed today at a day care center for an assistant position in the infant room. This is different for me. Way different than the jobs in the arts I kept believing I deserved. Have been thinking alot about separating the I from the ego, and yes I am reading A New Earth. This can only be good for me. I have been angry, depressed, sad, crashing and feeling like I should just try to end the madness. Well, they say you have to get to the edge, or just over it, before you can make change. So, here I go. Not over the edge, but towards something different. I don't feel as much like I am running around in the dark hoping to make a right decision. Today. Trying to stay present.
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