This picture makes me think about how much I miss male companionship. (And cats!) For all the things I was pissed off about, there is an equal list of things that I love about men and miss in my life. So much of the toxic activity that took place between Bob and I stood as a barrier between us. We both knew there was a deeper "forever" love there, but I couldn't seem to get back to that place. I don't know about him. He hasn't talked to me or emailed or written since I left. All of our necessary correspondence has been with Ariel or Dane as a go-between. I am adjusting to this new life slowly, which is good. It is not a life fix by any means. It is a sanctuary where I can be - to rebuild myself. To date I have lost 10.5 pounds on Nutrisystem, started an exercise program, got my haircut in a more feminine style, and have 2 job interviews coming up!
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