Friday, February 02, 2007

Back to School

I wish I could say that I was going back to school to get my Masters Degree . . . but I'm actually headed back into the preschool classroom on Monday for the PNC Grow Up Great project. It's been 5 weeks since we've had any activity on this thing. I'm on a mission with literacy and PlayDoh. This job just isn't doing it for me . . . I need an alternative. An alternative life. By the way, God, what is the deal here? You've been ignoring me, or testing me, for waaayyyy tooooo loooonnnggggg now. I need a break!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Time for Thanks

It's time for me to thank those friends who have been pillars of strength for me. Those who have been sending me kind words, reminding me about my good qualities and abilities, and generally cheering me on. Thank you for the job leads too. Onward and upward.

For the rest of you . . . and you know who you are . . . I don't know what to say. It is kind of revealing, this job hunting process. It seems to confirm that people are okay associating with other successful people. Those who are down, well, there isn't much of a payoff to be in our circle, is there? I can't offer any job-related favors, get you tickets to anything, give you inside info or take you to lunch.

Bummer. No phone calls from my trip to the career fair yesterday. I feel like I'm in the same circle as that poor homeless man who lived in my favorite archway under the railroad bridge in Wilmington. I was reserving that archway. I had a source for cardboard boxes. I had an interior design plan. Well, maybe he won't mind. It would kind of honor him, wouldn't it? If I'd know he was there, I would have visited him and brought him stuff and talked with him about it all happened.

Anyway, thanks to those who are still with me.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Oh, The Career Fair!

Well - the best part of the day? I got up and got dressed. Only because Valerie called to meet for lunch. She had such funny stories to tell, I was all psyched to be a real person again, so I went to the Career Fair at the Chase Center at the Riverfront today, armed with 6 copies of my resume. It was chock full of companies looking for telephone customer service people, computer techs, food service workers and sales people of insurance, health plans and wealth management plans. Jeez. I was on an administrative office position mission . . . I did hand my resume to a few companies while asking about openings in their administrative offices. Five companies now have my resume ((can't remember which ones they are)) with the words Admin Office written across the top. Their note, not mine. Perhaps the only event that will come out of this adventure is a visit to Ranstad for basic office skills testing. In a month I'll probably find myself numerically filing employee license plate numbers in a security office . . .

Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Curse on Birmingham!

Didn't get that job either . . .

I did get an email from Gail Andrews, the Director of BMA, that was meant for her assistant who had to respond to my "Have you reached a decision" email. It said: "I guess tell her we don't think we have found the person."

Then I got this formal email from her assistant, Amy Templeton: "Roberta, After a great deal of thought, we have decided that we need to extend our search for Curator of Education. As you and I discussed when you were here, our Education department is at a turning point and trying to find exactly the right fit for our particular needs is challenging but extremely important. Our Board and staff members enjoyed meeting you very much, and did feel you were a stong candidate in many areas. We appreciate your interest in our Museum, and wish you the very best in your search. Amy"

I would much rather have received an email that said "We will never hire you. You were sweating when you arrived because you didn't dress properly for warm Alabama weather. Additionally, the world will end if we don't hire a candidate with a Masters Degree, and you don't have one. We recommend that you stop applying for jobs you are not credentialed for. On a personal note, we would never have hired a Yankee either."

Off to the job fair at the Chase Center on the Riverfront tomorrow. Maybe I can land a secretarial position somewhere? If not, they are now hiring pizza delivery drivers at Pizza Hut just up the street.

Someone, please, just shoot me now. Right now. Or hire me now. Right now.