Okay, here's the list: the front of the dryer fell off, the telephone is dying, verizon stopped working altogether which caused 3 days of no e-mail, (bill is paid, 4 days of phone tech support didn't resolve it), we had to switch to Comcast, the vcr won't play my favorite Christmas movie, I had to charge personal hygeine products on my credit card, my contract job at CCAC is in schedule nightmare mode with unprepped teachers, Dane's paycheck is in Louisiana instead of Wilmington (no direct deposit available) and Bob just wrote $700 worth of checks against it, I am an inch shorter than I was last year, and the beat goes on . . . I can feel the flames getting higher. I'm walking with my shoes melted and the end of the fire isn't in sight yet. I used to be a member of the haves. What the hell . . . ? Yes, it is time to keep walking.