My visit to Birmingham was fast and full. I have never been treated so well by a prospective employer. All my expenses were covered including a rental car for a day (Saturday) so I could explore housing options. The BMA is stellar - a real treasure. The staff was passionate and remarkable. The education staff is a group of unsung heroes . . . I usually know right away if a job is a fit for me, and I usually feel very strongly one way or another. This time, I am unsure. It would be change - which I've been looking for. I could definitely live in the area near the university- 5 Points or Avondale. Very hip, chic and rather inexpensive. Downtown Birmingham is dismal. Lots of gray buildings. I think I found the loft district, but there is not much of anything happening downtown. I expect to learn about their decision within the next two weeks. I am, of course, at a disadvantage because I don't have a Masters degree. It was listed as a requirement, but since I've gotten this far in the intrview process perhaps it isn't a disadvantage at all. I know of one other candidate - someone on staff in the education department, whom I did not meet for obvious reasons. I'm leaving this one to destiny.
I visited the Civil Rights Institute which was an amazing experience. I couldn't stop crying. It was painful, but I felt hopeful when it was over. So powerful. Lots of technology tells the story, but so do the school desks, the church pews, the jail cell, the bus . . . there were very few visitors there on Saturday morning. As a matter of fact, I could have stood in the middle of the street outside for 10 minutes before any cars came by . . . It was the quietest city I have ever seen. Almost eerie.