"Accept the is-ness of the present moment."
"Now is the foundation for the rest of your life."
"The present momet is the point of power."
Still reading A New Earth. I think I crossed some kind of transitional bridge yesterday towards acceptance. Learning how to separate that voice in my head - my ego - from the "I" - the essence of me - has been so helpful in dealing with my sadness and unhappiness. I just couldn't seem to resolve the fact that I did what I wanted and it didn't make me happy. I didn't get what I thought I deserved. Big wrong. Expectations for the future. Also a big wrong. If all I live on is what I hope will happen and ignore the present, it can't possibly happen if I don't participte. Hopes, dreams, wishes - all not relevant to the here and now unless one of those dreams is what launches me further towards who I really am inside. Always living "ahead" is a big wrong. Today is the only thing I can change, and be in, and take responsibility for. Sounds like psycho babble, I'm sure. It is hard to explain.
"Accept what is, then action will come."
Sounds confusing, but it also sounds right. My uncle says, "Never expect more from people than they are capable of giving." Does that mean "us" too? Who knows what we deserve and can we be objective enough to know? "Right now" is everything. Like picking up bits from the sidewalk for a future art piece. If you are thinking about the art piece and your head is turned up looking into the sky, you may miss the inspirational bit of ephemera on the ground. Right here, right now. Why would you want to miss that? You are on your way.