I had one boyfriend for a few months in 7th grade. This is not a picture of him. It was named Steven. (Since then everyone I've known named Steven also turned out to be a mess) Then he dated my sister. So much for that! There was a boy I was in love with from 2nd grade on. This is his picture. I was sexually stupid, socially stupid, and never did a thing about it, except go to his house after school sometimes. Lame. Really lame. I don't think he ever really liked me at all, but I did bring him stuff from the bakery that I worked at. Maybe it was the chocolate chip cookies that allowed him to tolerate me. Anyway, I know he has a life, and kids, and me too. He still appears in my dreams though. You know who you are . . .
A handful of people have passed away already.
he times they are a changin' . . . Peace.
I still wonder about the great love of my life, Roy, a boy I met in the 3rd grade. About 4 years later, he was my very first date and it was totally agonizing because we saw "Blazing Saddles." EMBARRASSING! We never went out again because I always acted disinterested. What was the matter with me?! My family moved when we were in the 9th grade and I have never seen nor heard from him again. About 10 years ago - when he and I were both 40 - my sister read in her local newspaper that he just gotten engaged. First marriage for both. Damn. I stayed married too long to the wrong guy.