Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Puzzling, Fuzzy Life

Well, yes, I have a part time job as Development Coordinator for the Providence Gay Men's Chorus. It's been a crazy path to get to this moment! So far, the projects I am working on - fall donor campaign, etc. - are going well. It has taken me several weeks to work on understanding the culture of the group. This video clip is from Monday night's rehearsal for the upcoming holiday concert.

As for my life in general. . . all I can say at this moment is "What the hell?" I promise to get back to the blog everyday to do the mental sorting I should be doing. Readjusting the axis. Finding true north. You know about this. You've been there.

Later . . .


  1. Progress! Glad to see you're out of the wire hanger phase.This is a group that can appreciate cute earrings.
