And it has begun . . . My mother called me to say that she could come pick me up on her way back from visiting my younger sister in Washington at the end of February. What's wrong with this picture??? The discussion I had with my older sister was about going up to RI to be with Mom when she gets tangled in doctor's appointments, gets sicker than she is now, or generally needs someone to manage medicines and daily life . . . my MOTHER has taken this to mean that I want to come live with her as a runaway mechanism . . . she wants to rescue me from what she perceives is my wretched life. This seems to have kicked in back in December when I was talking about the prospect of moving to Birmingham. Rather than "running away to Birmingham" I should live with her in RI.
Please note: I wouldn't choose to just go live with her. I would go live with her because I am the "available" daughter at this time, and only when she is sick enough to need me there. Otherwise, if I wasn't needed in that way, she'd be taking over my life, doing the 12 year old child thing, and generally being annoying. Then I would have to kill her.
So, it is better that my sisters understand that it's not about me. It's about Mother getting sick and needing someone there when the walls start tumbling down.
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