As noted in a recent article in the Pawtucket Times, (thanks, Mom) Plastic Pink Flamingos are dead at 49. Union Products of Leominster, Massachusetts is now closed. The sale of the molds is in negotiation with two American companies, and one Candian company. Should I be worried about the three pink boys guarding my front steps? Will someone steal them for ransom money? What if the price of Plastic Pink Flamingos goes up so high on Ebay that only the rich can afford them? Another cultural icon born in the blue collar world adopted by the upper eschelon. . . ? Add this to the remember when column. Check out the video "The Pink Plastic Flamingo, The Ambassador of the American Lawn" - www.yourmediacoverage.com/theatre/?reel1/2equals3/4PinkPlasticFlamingo. Change is everywhere.
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