Sunday, October 08, 2006


Got home from the event at 1:30, but had to wind down! Went to bed at 4:30am and slept until 6:00 pm! Had that feeling of excellent exhaustion.

Started out on Saturday at 10am doing more goperhering, then heading into the office to do the final work on the auction database including entering last minute ticket buyers then making signs, placing bid sheets in the Lux Auction, setting up the tickets check in area, etc. Crazy fun, but tension was high and egos were on the edge. People started arriving at 8pm and kept flowing all night.

It was a smashing success with about 400 people attending; half the art and luxury items were bid on (low percentage for this kind of auction) and sold, the alcohol was flowing, the energy was excellent, the band played Born To Be Wild, the outfits were fantastic - black T-shirs, jeans, leather - Wow. It was a killer helping pull it all together, but totally worth it. Lots of new patrons, a younger crowd attending, everyone happy. The number last night: $80,000 without ticket sales - I'll find out on Monday when I go in to clean my desk out. It looks like we may have actually reached our $100,000 goal!